
With 219 votes...

The winner is:
Laura with Bathtub Bruiser.
Angela with Cupcake Cutie!
Yep, we had a tie. Go figure. Congrats you two, I will be contacting your shortly about your prize!

I want to thank everyone who participated and of course everyone who voted. We had 748 votes! Great job rallying your friends and family, it worked and I can't believe we have an exact tie. I was considering holding a dance off but I figured that would be subjective on my part!

Congrats to everyone, your pictures are wonderful!


  1. Congratulations to the 2 Winners!! Great contest Michelle!!!

  2. Congrats to the winners! I really wanted to enter with a picture of my own, had the email started and everything but my daughter got sick and I forgot about everything but getting her healthy. :)
